The series Illustrating History aims to arouse the curiosity of children and teenagers to learning about the life of characters who changed world history and thus inspire them to realize that they also can achieve great things in their own lives. The series promotes the union of animation and documentary. It’s made of 13 episodes of 3 minutes each, divided into 3 main themes: scientists (Newton, Galilei, Faraday, Edison and Archimedes); Arts (Giotto, Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rembrandt); and music composers (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin). Using the time lapse animation technique, the story of each character is narrated by a voiceover and illustrated with colorful drawings, made before the viewer’s eyes as the story develops. The hand of the illustrator is shown on screen drawing the contours of the illustrations and coloring them with watercolor, causing great admiration. At the end of the episode, the same drawings form the silhouette of a large image related to the topic presented, once again surprising the viewers. In Isaac Newton’s episode, for example, all the illustrations together form the shape of an apple – source of inspiration for his famous “Law of Universal Gravitation.”; The scripts use simple vocabulary and a conversation tone, easy to understand for viewers of all ages in focus.